Episode 1 - Pilot

Jill, an average young woman is down on her luck! She is stuck in an abusive relationship with a nasty thug, but head over heels for another man. Her elderly Grandmother, with whom she lives with, is in ill health, and to top it all off, she begins to discover a supernatural element to her life!
8 April 2011
8 April 2011
Episode 2 - Alone in Question

Paramedics arrive at Jill's house when Ricky doesn't wake up from his fall. Also, a Detective is keen to find out what happened. And are things taking a turn for the better between Jill & Max?
10 April 2011
10 April 2011
Episode 3 - Alone in my Dreams

Jill has a disturbing dream about Max, whilst Detective Johnson keeps a watchful eye on her every move. Meanwhile, breadcrumbs begin to appear which lead Jill to some answers she wished she hadn't discovered.
18 April 2011
18 April 2011
Episode 4 - Alone in the Past

Jill is visited by the vengeful ghost of her ex-flame. She also begins to re-evaluate her relationship with Max, by remembering how they met and fell in love six months ago. (The flashbacks in this episode precede events which took place in Episode 1)
21 May 2011
21 May 2011
Episode 5 - Alone in the Flames

Jill discovers some interesting new abilities and finds out how she can use them to help others. Especially when she encounters a serial arsonist, who too possess supernatural powers. Meanwhile, Detective Johnson meets a mysterious individual who ensures him they can work together. 13 June 2011
Episode 6 - Alone in the Heist

Jill is relieved that she can finally share her secret with Max, which prompts him to make a life changing decision about their future. Meanwhile, another individual with abilities emerges and holds a heist at a jewellery store, just as Max goes looking for an engagement ring.
Also, Jill goes onto search for answers about her powers, and Conrad Green makes his presence known as he warns Jill of things to come.
1 October 2011
Also, Jill goes onto search for answers about her powers, and Conrad Green makes his presence known as he warns Jill of things to come.
1 October 2011
Episode 7 - Alone at Journey's End - Part One

Jill and Max research into the background of the deadly arsonist, and soon start to uncover some startling revelations about the allusive Sci-Tex Corporation. Meanwhile, Conrad Green is put under pressure from his superior to move forward with his plans, resulting in devastating consequences.
23 December 2011
23 December 2011
Episode 8 - Alone at Journey's End - Part Two

After the shocking events which took place last time, Max wakes up to discover Conrad and co have kidnapped Jill and taken her back to Sci-Tex. What will they do with her? Meanwhile, Max is offered a helping hand from an unlikely source, but at what price?
7 February 2012
7 February 2012